Saturn through amateur telescope

In reply to your video “White storm on Saturn through amateur telescope near 2011 opposition”


I’m really impressed by your video here. I want to do the same this weekend and was a little bit disappointed on how poor DSLRs are for planets compared to webcams, or cams like DMK41 etc. But your video shows me that it’s possible to take good pictures/videos 🙂

I have a few quick questions please 🙂 – you’ve done this on a altazimuth mount? like the 8 inch Newton (Dobson) I have?

What were the settings for the video? I have a Canon EOS 600D – which would be better – more resolution (full hd) but less fps or lower resolution and more fps? I hope that it’s not a problem that my cam records mov files instead of avi files.

did you use eyepice projection or a barlow? and how long was your source video for registax? sooo many questions 🙂

But when I see some images in Internet I always hope that the 600D was not a mistake to buy.

Thanks in advance :-), Best regards, Michael


Hi Michael,

A DSLR camera can also take good high quality videos like a DMK camera, at least in the case of my Canon EOS 450d using a free software called eos_movrec you will find in Internet. This software makes AVI files.

I guess Canon EOS 600d also lets you apply this technique.

This video Saturn video was recorded using a robotic altazimuth mount, that comes with Celestron C5 Nextstar telescope.

Sometimes I use a barlow, and other times eyepiece projection if barlow is not enough. Barlow is good for lunar pictures but not eyepiece projection, only useful at planets, due to its wild field curvature, spoiling the borders of the image.

One Response to “Saturn through amateur telescope”

  1. Martin Feliciano Says:

    Thank you for all your hard work. I truly loved it all. I would like to see some images of uranus through your 102mm apochromatic refractor telescope

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